5 Ways to Beat Entrepreneurial Stress

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Are you killing it as you grow your own business and push through the growing pains that come with such an endeavor, but still sometimes get overtaken by the stress that comes with the territory? I’d be pretty surprised if you answered “no” to that question.

Most of us experience the stress of running our own business at least a little bit, but with these 5 tips, you can deal with the stress like a pro and keep your eyes securely focused on your business’ success!

No matter how glamorous it can look and feel to start and run your own business, it’s no secret that stress can become a bit of a side kick as you maneuver the often new and overwhelming world of entrepreneurship.

What starts as you following your dream or your passion can quickly become an endless sea of to-do lists, paperwork you didn’t ask for and don’t necessarily know how to do, a bit of loneliness and often lots of administrative chaos. Sorting through the less fun stuff of your business means getting to do what you love and in order to do that, it’s important to learn to deal with typical entrepreneurial stresses like a champ! So here are some great tips to help you do just that!

Number 1: Set boundaries for your work day.

As I’ve talked about in previous podcasts, when you’re running your own business, it can be easy to get sucked into working all hours. But doing this doesn’t create space for other things in your life - relaxation, exercise, hobbies, relationships - you know, all the other great stuff about life! So make sure you create stopping points each day and give yourself at least one day off a week so that you can refresh your body and mind from your work. Not only will this ease stress, it will also give you fresh eyes for your work.

The second tip is something I’ve also talked about many times before and I bring it up again because it really can’t be overstated: Take regular breaks while you work.

Many of us know what it’s like to get in the groove of a task or project and lose track of time and before you know it, you’ve been sitting in one place staring at a screen or project for hours. It is so important to give yourself breaks throughout the day - most research suggests at least every hour - where you step away, think about something else, and move your body. That breaks the tension that builds up and eases stress.

Speaking of moving your body, number 3 is exercise.

I don’t think this one needs too much explanation - it is a very well known fact that exercise does wonders for relieving stress in your mind and body. Entrepreneurial stress, is still stress, and working out everyday or several times a week and even taking dance breaks throughout your work day can simply melt that stress away!

My fourth tip is to find other like-minded entrepreneurs and connect with them.

Go out or have online video chats once a week. Talking with people in the same boat as you can remind you that you are not alone in this crazy journey AND can give you a safe place to vent and release the frustrations of running a business with someone who gets it and that’s a big stress reliever. But don’t forget to also take time with those fellow entrepreneurs and other non-entrepreneurs in your life and be social! Get out do things with other people that doesn’t involve talking about work or your business at all. While it can be hard not to eat, sleep, and breathe your business, creating that separation, as discussed in tip number one, can help remove the stress related to entrepreneurship.

Last, but not least, tip number 5 is: Don’t be afraid to get help!

For many of us starting out, running our business is a one-woman (or one-man) show. And while that can work in the beginning for a bit, eventually the load becomes too much for one person. There are tons of Facebook groups for entrepreneurs and many of them are incredibly active and full of people asking and giving advice and referrals. It’s a great first step to help lessen the stress of going it alone and getting some support. But at some point, you may need more than just advice, and at that point, it’s good to remember there are lots of people out there, like me, whose jobs are focused purely on helping entrepreneurs just like you with some of the overwhelming parts of running a business. So don’t be afraid to invest in your business and in your own health by easing your stress and hiring some help. Not only will you feel much better, but your business will get a boost as well because you’ll have more time to focus on that actual function of your business and grow its success.

So don’t let the stress of entrepreneurship take over and scare you away from doing what you love. Use some of these tips to find more space in your mind and in your day to make the best of your situation and do what you went into business to do.

Thanks for reading and keep the magic in your biz!


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