The Ultimate Guide to Automating Your Small Business


If you're like me and most other entrepreneurs, juggling a gazillion tasks has become second nature. And whether or not you have someone helping you with your business, there is still so much time that gets lost on small and repetitive tasks.

But using automations in your business is like a secret weapon to reclaim your time and zap those tedious tasks off your to-do list!

And while having things automated in your business may sound fancy and intimidating, it's not just for the tech-savvy. It's for you, me, and anyone ready to make their business operations smoother than a fresh jar of Skippy.

Let’s dive deep into making your business life a breeze with automation.

But first, there is quite possibly a very important question floating around your brain…

What is Automation in Your Business?

Automation in an online business is like having a magical little helper in the digital world. Imagine you've got a bunch of tasks that are repetitive and kind of boring, like sending a welcome email to every new subscriber on your email list, or posting your latest blog post across all your social media channels.

Doing all that manually can be a real drag, right?

Well, automation is your superhero here! It's setting up software to do these tasks for you, automatically, based on certain triggers or schedules you define. For example, as soon as someone signs up for your newsletter, an automation tool can ensure they immediately receive a warm, welcoming email without you having to lift a finger. Or, you can schedule your social media posts for the week and have them automatically publish at the best times for engagement.

It's like setting up dominoes; once you've got everything in place, you just need to tip the first one (set the automation running), and everything else falls into action without you needing to be there to push each piece.

This not only saves you a ton of time but also ensures your online business runs smoothly and your audience stays engaged, even while you're off creating or relaxing. Cool, huh?

So now, let’s check out 4 steps to getting
automations happening in your business!


Step 1: Uncover Your Automation Goldmines

First things first, let's uncover where your business is screaming for automation.

Is it the endless cycle of social media posts? The invoice that needs to be sent out like yesterday? Or maybe it’s the CRM that’s as cluttered as a teenager's bedroom. Identifying these areas is your first step to freedom!

Action Steps:

By now, you know that one of my first steps to everything is to track your time! That’s because we so often don’t realize how exactly we spend our days. Tracking our time allows us to learn so much about ourselves and our own roles in our businesses. So start by tracking your time and looking for repetition.

  • List Daily Tasks: Keep a log for a week. Write down everything you do daily.

  • Highlight Repetitive Tasks: Look for patterns. Anything you do three times or more is a prime candidate for automation.

Step 2: Arm Yourself with the Right Tools

With your list of automation-ready tasks in hand, it’s time to match them with the perfect tools. Think of it as setting up a dating profile for each task and finding its ideal match. Whether it's scheduling posts with Buffer, automating emails with ConvertKit, or managing customer relationships with HubSpot, there’s a tool out there waiting to make your life easier.

Action Steps:

  • Research: Use your task list to find tools that can take these off your hands.

  • Trial and Error: Most tools offer free trials. Use them. Date around before you settle.

Step 3: Implementation and Integration

Alright, you've picked your tools, and now it's showtime! Implementation is like inviting your new robot friends to a tea party. You need to make sure they all get along (integrate well) with your existing systems. This step is crucial for a seamless workflow.

Action Steps:

  • Start Small: Pick one area to automate first. This makes troubleshooting easier.

  • Train yourself: Make sure you understand how to use your new automation — and actually use it! There have been many times I’ve set up new tools and then don’t use them because I’m not used to the new workflow using them. So make sure you use them, and make sure if you have anyone else working in your business, that they know how to use the tools as well.

Step 4: Track, Measure, Celebrate

Now, let’s talk about the fun part – tracking the impact of your new automated systems. This is where you get to see the fruits of your labor. More time, fewer errors, happier clients, and perhaps, a more joyful and relaxed you!

Action Steps:

  • Set Key Performance Indicators (KPIs): Decide what success looks like for each automated task.

  • Review Regularly: Set monthly check-ins to review your KPIs. Adjust as needed.

Wrapping Up with a Bow

Automation is your secret weapon to not just surviving, but thriving in the bustling world of small business. Remember, it's about working smarter, not harder. By identifying tasks to automate, choosing the right tools, implementing them strategically, and measuring their impact, you're setting yourself up for success.

And there you have it – your ultimate guide to automating your small business, served with a side of enthusiasm and a sprinkle of pro tips. Here's to more time focusing on what truly matters – growing your business and enjoying the ride. Cheers to automating your way to success!


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