Weekly Virtual Co-Working and Mini-Mastermind
What is BizMagic Study Hall?
A virtual business co-working session once a week over Zoom to give you accountability and space to get work done and also the opportunity to connect and share ideas with and get advice from other female/female-identified/non-binary entrepreneurs like you!
How Does it Work?
Zoom sessions will be held once a week (to start, with space to grow to more).
Come to as many or few sessions as you’d like. And come and go from each session as you’d like.
When you arrive to the session, tell us in the chat what you’re working on and then keep your video on for accountability (not required, but encouraged) and turn off your microphone.
The first 90 minutes we all sit quietly and do our thang!
The last 30 minutes, we unmute ourselves and join in a mini mastermind session, being sounding boards for each other and sharing ideas and advice.
What are the Benefits?
Designated time to work and get things done
Connection with other like-minded entrepreneurs
Short, free peer-run mastermind sessions
Regular reminders for each session
You are welcome to bring friends or team members to the sessions as well
So, What’s It Cost?
It’s FREE.
If you’re already a client, contact admin@bizmagic.co and ask to be put on the list. You’ll start receiving the regular reminders before each session.
For non-clients, put your details in the form below and you’ll be added to the list to receive reminders and join us anytime.
Ready to Get Busy?
Sign up today!
Spam is not magical, so we don't sell or abuse your information.
You’ll also be joining my regular bi-weekly email list.