How to Choose the RIGHT
Tech Stack for Your Business

FREE Live Training January 30th 3:30p EST

Get your business HUMMING by learning
how to select clean and efficient tools!

As an entrepreneur, when you have the RIGHT platforms and solutions working for you in your business, you can save time, make more money, and feel more grounded and at ease in your day-to-day.

When we are doing things by the seat of our pants or using platforms that are clunky or are not a great fit for us, we end up spending so much time with manual data entry, trying to make things work, or in a shame spiral because we’ve avoided doing what we know we need to do altogether.

Not fun.

Take the time to really assess and select the best solutions for your specific business and see all the extra room you have to breathe!

This live 60-minute training by BizMagic’s CEO, Patti Meyer,
will teach you everything you need to know to get your biz on track by assessing and
selecting the best platforms for your specific business needs.

We’ll spend the first 45 minutes together going over the best ways to choose the right tools
and the last 15 minutes will be open for Q&A!


Pop in your details below to register for FREE!
(replay will be available)

You got into business to do what you LOVE.
But then you realized there’s all this other stuff that goes along with running a business.

Did you really sign up for that?

So maybe you start to look up online solutions to help streamline your systems and processes, but with 30 platforms (at minimum) that can do each individual thing you may need, it can be hard to find the right fit for your unique business.


That’s why knowing how to select the perfect tech stack is so invaluable!


First off, if you’re newer to the online business world, you might be asking, what the heck is a tech stack?

If you do a quick Google search, you actually may be left feeling a bit confused.

For tech companies that build software, apps, and digital products, a tech stack is the suite of tools, languages, etc. they use to build their products. And that is the primary thing you see when you look at Google.

But if you search a little deeper and more specifically for tech stacks for BUSINESSES, you’ll find that a tech stack is the group of platforms and apps that come together to make your business run smoothly. I go into this deeper in this blog post.

So why is a tech stack important? Put most simply, having the right set of platforms that play together nicely will create swoon-worthy systems and automations in your businesses, saving you time and money.

Don’t you want to know how great it feels when you’re saving time and money while ALSO having clean and professional systems?

“BUT, how do I know which platforms are the best fit? And which ones do I need?
And should I use an all-in-one or find a way to integrate? Speaking of integrations…”

The questions can go on and on and on, so…

Welcome to the free live training all about

How to Choose the RIGHT Tech Stack for Your Business

In this 60-minute training, you’ll learn:

  • How to decide the type of platforms your business needs

  • How to assess and select industry-specific platforms

  • When to stack multiple platforms versus choosing an all-in-one

  • Why and how to use integrations between platforms

  • What the heck all of that is talked about above if you don’t understand any of it!

  • You’ll also receive an accompanying workbook that you can use to take yourself through my own proven process that I use with my systems clients.

The first 45 minutes will be walking you through all of this and the last 15 minutes will be for live Q&A!

Ready to take your business to the next level?

Register for this FREE live training
on January 30th at 3:30p EST and your 10-page workbook!

If you’re new around these parts, your teacher for this class, Patti, is the founder and CEO of BizMagic, and has been working in business operations for 20 years. Patti has been running this amazing BizMagic agency for nearly six years, having been lucky enough to support hundreds of entrepreneurs during that time. She has a soft spot and a passion for all things tech and is a self-proclaimed tech nerd. So who better to teach you all about the what, why, and how of building a tech stack for online business owners than her? If you want learn more about Patti, you can do that here!

In the meantime…

Don’t miss out on the
How to Choose the RIGHT Tech Stack for Your Business
FREE Live Training on January 30th at 3:30p EST!

60-minute training and 10-page workbook!

Have a question? Feel free to contact us!