What is a tech stack and why the heck should you care?

What is a tech stack?

If you’ve been following BizMagic for a while, then you know how much I LOVE using and teaching online tech to support fellow service providers and solopreneurs. When it comes to the world of online business, there are so many programs and tools available to help make your business successful. However, choosing the right tech stack for your business is a key part of that success!

Wait…what the heck is a tech stack?

Simply put, your tech stack is the different platforms and tools you use to make your business hum. 

For a lot of online businesses, your tech stack includes:

  • your website platform (Wordpress, Squarespace, Wix, etc.)

  • your scheduling tool (Calendly, Acuity, etc.)

  • your CRM tool (Dubsado, Honeybook, etc.)

  • your project management system (Asana, Notion, ClickUp, etc.)

  • your email marketing platform (ConvertKit, ActiveCampaign, Mailchimp, etc.)

  • and if you have an online course, your course platform (ThriveCart, Kajabi, Thinkific, etc.)

Any business owner that operates online (I’m looking at you service providers, coaches, and course creators!) needs a tech stack to support their business. That’s because no one platform can do everything you need to make your business run smoothly (nor should it in my opinion!). 

Great platforms are usually great because they specialize in one thing. Stacking multiple platforms that work seamlessly together help you accomplish everything you need to manage an online business successfully.

Now that you understand what a tech stack is, why should you care? Shouldn’t you just choose whatever platforms are the cheapest or easiest to use?  

Not quite.

Here are three reasons why finding the RIGHT tech stack is so important:

1. Not all platforms are created equal

While it can be tempting to go out and choose the easiest platform with the lowest monthly cost, you need to make sure it’s the right fit for you. In my experience, some of the most popular platforms on the market are the hardest to use (I’m looking at YOU Mailchimp!). You won’t be doing yourself any favors by committing to something that doesn’t fit your needs, or you have a hard time working with. 

2. Not all platforms work well together

Ultimately you want your tech stack to save you time, rather than create more of a headache down the road. When choosing your tech stack, choose platforms that integrate well together, so you can automate more in your business and get rid of wasteful busy work. 

3. There is no one size fits all solution

Just like anything in life, everyone has their own way of processing information. What works best for me may not work best for someone else. If we were to look at three different email marketing tools, there’d be one that I absolutely love because it feels super intuitive, whereas it’s a complete pain in the butt for you.

I personally love using Notion as my business hub, whereas others hate it. Does that mean Notion isn’t a good project management tool? Of course not! There are plenty of project management tools out there with stellar reviews I haven’t even bothered to learn. 

What is a tech stack?

That’s why taking the time to create a tech stack specifically for your business, instead of just copying what others suggest is so key. Once you figure out the perfect tech stack for you, you'll be able to…

1. Create a better client experience

When you’re using platforms designed specifically to fit your client’s needs, they can interact with you and your business in a really clean, seamless, and intuitive way (which makes them want to continue working with you!).

For example, if you’re a coach, the kind of CRM tool you’ll need may be different from an acupuncturist, or a virtual assistant. Each of these business owners have different needs based on the types of services they’re offering and clients they’re working with.

Prioritizing platforms that improve your client experience helps you look more professional, and increases the likelihood of referrals. 

2. Save time & money

Finding the right tech stack saves you time and money with one magic word…


If you think about it, the time you unnecessarily spend performing manual tasks is money lost. Stop wasting precious minutes or even hours (...gasp!) on things like data entry, scheduling meetings, or sending out emails, when you could be spending that time on income producing tasks, like networking, following up with potential clients, or creating your new course.

As a business owner, remember…time is money!

3. Be more efficient

Along those same lines, when you use the right platforms to streamline tedious workflows in your business, you become more efficient by reducing manual errors, and increasing productivity. 

A few examples of tasks you can streamline with the right kind of tech are:

  • Onboarding new clients

  • Sending and receiving payments

  • Creating an automated sales funnel

  • Scheduling content in advance

  • Delegating recurring tasks

Streamlining tasks like these can minimize daily frustration, maximize creativity, and even boost your business’s sales!

4. Scale your biz

As you scale your business, you must be equipped to handle more clients, process more data, and stay more organized throughout it all. The right tech stack can help you scale as your work increases.

Be prepared to change your tech stack as you grow to meet the needs of running a bigger business. Knowing how to find the right platform for you is huge for maintaining momentum as you grow. 

Now that you know WHAT a tech stack is, it’s time to learn the HOW! If you’re excited about finding the right tech stack for you and your clients, check out my free training: How To Choose The Right Tech Stack For Your Clients

In this training you’ll learn…

  • How to decide the type of platforms each business needs

  • When to stack multiple platforms versus choosing an all-in-one

  • Why and how to use integrations between platforms 

  • PLUS you’ll receive a free workbook you can use again and again as you onboard new clients! 

Sign up for the free tech stack training HERE to take your business to the next level!


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