Hey Sell It, Sister! Podcast Listener!
I’m SO excited that you found your way here after listening to my guest appearance on Erika’s amazing podcast!
If you’re here, I’m guessing you are either thinking about or ready to start growing your own dream team — even if that is a single Support Pro. It only takes two to make a dream team.
Hiring a Virtual Assistant/Support Pro can be an intimidating thing, especially if you’ve never been a manager or had to do any hiring prior to starting your business. AND it’s your business - your baby.
So how can I help? As promised in the episode, I have a free guide just for Erika’s listeners that will get you prepped, interviewing, and onboarding your Support Pro as soon as you’re ready.
The “How-To” Guide for Hiring for Your Team
Sign up below to receive your 9-page guide full of everything you need to plan for, hire, onboard, and work successfully with your new team member.
The guide has four sections with prompts and space for you to answer the questions right there, so that by the time you’re finished, you’re ready to get to work and get some support.
Ready to start building your dream team? Sign up below and it will be delivered to you ASAP!
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